Meta(Facebook) Pixel Tracking

by Zaui

Embed the Meta Pixel on your website and booking engine to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions of people on your sites.


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Using Meta Pixel to track online booking flow for tours and activities.

Optimize Social Media Ads

Ensure your ads are shown to the people most likely to take action. Retarget customers who have visited your website or taken any action on your page.

Learn About Your Website Traffic

Get rich insights about how potential guests use your website from your Facebook pixel dashboard.

Create Custom Audiences from Website Visitors

Dynamic ads help you automatically show website visitors the products they viewed on your website or related ones.


    Meta(Facebook) Pixel Tracking

    The Meta (Facebook) pixel is one of the marketing tools from Meta. It is a piece of code for the website that lets tour companies measure, optimize, and build audiences for their ad campaigns. The pixel allows tour, activity, and transport operators to monitor their Facebook Ads, gives accurate conversion stats, and creates custom audiences based on site traffic. It can be an effective tool for the social media marketing of tour companies.

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    Launched on January 1st 2015




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